About Me

I run New England Breeze Solar. We are a solar installation company based in Central Massachusetts. We install Solar Electric (PV or photovoltaics) and Solar Hot water systems. I started the company in 2006 to help others help the planet. I am deeply concerned about the planet and the people on it. I hope we have not ruined our home for future generations.

The planet is warmer, cheap energy is a thing of the past, we are going to have to work harder to survive. But that's not the end of the world, it's just the end of a brief lifestyle. Humans have lived on this planet longer without cheap energy than they have with it. We will adapt - the sooner the better. 

There is a large group of people out there I like to describe as "doomers." They've envisioned a dystopian future. While I agree that things will be different, I don't agree it will be distopian. Instead, I support the idea that we can live simpler, lower-energy intensive lives that will pay off in the long run.

So, rather than project the end of the world, I've made a conscious choice to write about what we can do to make the impending crash a soft landing in a place we won't mind living. I also reserve the right to rant about crazy uses of energy, correct the press, teach, describe, or otherwise ramble incoherently.

-Mark Durrenberger, March 2011